Damit ihr zukünftig wisst, wer hinter den Posts steckt, möchte ich mich hier kurz vorstellen:)
Mein Name ist Teresa, ich bin 24 Jahre alt und wohne im schönen München. Mode ist schon seit ich denken kann meine große Leidenschaft und ich verfolge täglich zahlreiche internationale Blogs.
Wie man am Namen "The Bag Addict" unschwer erkennen kann, haben es mir Designerhandtaschen ganz besonders angetan. Seit nun fast 10 Jahren arbeite und spare ich eisern für diese Leidenschaft und so ist meine Taschenfamilie peut a peut zu einer kleinen Sammlung herangewachsen. Die einzelnen "Familienmitglieder" werdet ihr in der nächsten Zeit auch noch besser kennenlernen.
Was Kleidung angeht investiere ich wenn dann in teurere Basics, wie etwa eine richtig warme Winterjacke, einen hochwertigen Schal oder ein paar scharfe Pistole Boots. Ansonsten finden sich in meinem Kleiderschrank Teile von Zara, H&M, Mango sowie auch zahlreiche No Name Stücke. All dies kombiniere ich dann täglich je nach Lust und Laune kreuz und quer.
Neben Mode liebe ich auch spannende Krimis, treibe gerne Sport und kann gutem Essen beim besten Willen nicht widerstehen.
Ich freue mich sehr darauf, auf dieser Seite zukünftig von Fashion- und Beauty-, über Lifestyle-Tipps, bis hin zu Kochrezepten alles mit euch teilen, sowie mich austauschen zu können und hoffe, dass euch mein Blog gefällt!
...The one or the other who has followed my Instagramaccount (Timeless_classic1) last year might have wondered who the girl behind the pictures is. Since I enjoy 'blogging' there a lot, I have now decided to unceremoniously jump into the cold water and call a 'proper' blog to life.
So I want to introduce myself shortly :)
My name is Teresa, I'm 24 years old and I live in beautiful Munich, Germany. Fashion has ever been my great passion and I follow many international blogs every day.
Like the name "The Bag Addict"shows, do I have a special love affair with designer handbags. I work and save adamantly for this passion for almost 10 years now and so has my "family"grown peut a peut to a small collection. You will get to know the single members better very soon. ; )
When it comes to clothes, I try to invest in more expensive basics, such as a really warm winter jacket, a scarf or a few high-quality cool pistole boots. Otherwise, there are mainly pieces from Zara, H & M, Mango, as well as numerous no name pieces in my wardrobe. And I love to mix'n match them daily, depending on my mood and season.
Apart from fashion I also love thrilling books and films, I enjoy doing sports and I really can't resist good food.
I am very excited to share this page about fashion and beauty, about lifestyle tips and recipes with you all in the future and I hope you like my blog! :)
...The one or the other who has followed my Instagramaccount (Timeless_classic1) last year might have wondered who the girl behind the pictures is. Since I enjoy 'blogging' there a lot, I have now decided to unceremoniously jump into the cold water and call a 'proper' blog to life.
So I want to introduce myself shortly :)
My name is Teresa, I'm 24 years old and I live in beautiful Munich, Germany. Fashion has ever been my great passion and I follow many international blogs every day.
Like the name "The Bag Addict"shows, do I have a special love affair with designer handbags. I work and save adamantly for this passion for almost 10 years now and so has my "family"grown peut a peut to a small collection. You will get to know the single members better very soon. ; )
When it comes to clothes, I try to invest in more expensive basics, such as a really warm winter jacket, a scarf or a few high-quality cool pistole boots. Otherwise, there are mainly pieces from Zara, H & M, Mango, as well as numerous no name pieces in my wardrobe. And I love to mix'n match them daily, depending on my mood and season.
Apart from fashion I also love thrilling books and films, I enjoy doing sports and I really can't resist good food.
I am very excited to share this page about fashion and beauty, about lifestyle tips and recipes with you all in the future and I hope you like my blog! :)
Nice to meet you;)
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